Monday 3 October 2011

Last weekend

There was a post saying "First weekend", and now it’s the last one, the very very very last one! How time flies! And the thing with good times, is that they always end on their peak, which could be considered a good thing, but obviously makes it this much more sad!

Friday was a bit of a farewell party, with a few people from work, Maidei who I stay with, and Juliet - the one and only - we went to see the Big 5 show. Big 5: the 5 biggest names in Zimbabwean music: Dhehwa (don’t know him), Solomon Chimbetu (son of), Macheso (most popular guy around), Winky D (the new up and coming international star) and Oliver Mtukudzi (all time legend - and my main attraction). Though Tuku disappointed a bit, singing his new music I didn’t know, it was still a pretty great night! We partied and dances all night long, until we nearly dropped!! :). It was really strange, I was like a white ant in the black sea, and people seemed to be reacting with shock when they saw my face, quite funny! Still a very good night, and not too many annoying people. Just the one guy who wanted to “buy me” for 10$, bidding up to $1000, and eventually settled for getting me a drink and pissing off:). And also the drunk guy who fell asleep right in front of us. Great night to finish off!

Saturday was calmer, I started with some packing.. Sad sad moments.. And just relaxed for most of the day, playing with Tanya, recovering from the party night!

Sunday was time for the first goodbyes, to Juliet and the family.
We started off by going to church, which was very interesting, it was almost like life lessons, started with singing and then a “lecture” on how to make the right decisions in life. Very, very interesting actually. The people there were also very welcoming. I had to introduce myself, and afterwards someone asked “what was your name?”, “Maï”, “Yes”, “no, no, that IS my name” Parents. Permission to change the name PLEASE? This has happened too often! :)
With the goodbyes over the afternoon it really kicked in, I’m leaving with no idea when I’m coming back, a plan needs to be sorted out!!

Monday, just like any other day, is a working day starting with the Monday morning team meeting. Everyone had to answer a question, mine was: what do I plan to achieve in the coming week: “getting used to life in Belgium once again” - bah! Someone else had to answer let someone do something that can benefit the whole team, their answer: cancel/postpone Maï’s ticket! I’m all up for the idea!!

But the reality is: I’ll be back home in just over 36 hours, and filled with stress of “back to school”. But I guess, behind all the sadness of leaving there is also some kind of small, minimalistic part of me that might be slightly looking forward to going back. That’s just me giving myself a pep talk;).

Leaving Tuesday at 17:00
Arriving Wednesday at 10:30.How much sadder is that than when I said "Leaving Brussels".

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