Tuesday 5 July 2011


To continue my story…

Sunday I went to Lake Chivero. It is actually a national park, and with Jeremy being a tour guide with a passion for wildlife it could not have been a more educational and interesting trip.
The plan was to drive around and hopefully see some animals (and we definitely did!) and then have a braai (BBQ). We had barely entered the park and already we saw a kudu, little did we know it would be one of the less amazing things. A little further down a giraffe was quietly eating his leaves, very close to the car, as it moved further we decided to get out and follow it. We got quite far eventually (the furthest Jeremy had ever gotten to a giraffe, and that’s saying something), but at one point it just walked away. Sorry people, I was savouring the moment and did not have my camera. Later on the afternoon we saw zebra’s, wildebeast, ostriches (and a dead one, unfortunately) and two rhino’s, of which I have beautiful pics!
For lunch we had a braai, which was very delicious, and they had absolutely everything prepared for it! While waiting for the veggies to get ready I got a whole speech about why 1988 was a great year - athletics-wise. So now I’m that much smarter, not that I remember too many details. After the lunch, as we were packing up the same two rhino’s, probably the only two poaching survivors, came up to us quite closely. Once again we saw the animals from close by. Really impressive! Beautiful sight!
On the drive home we saw a sunset, which was a perfect ending to a great day!
At night I slept to the sound of hen’s getting ready for morning (it was 11 o’clock or so..) in the little cottage where I’ll be staying for the rest of the week until Robert is back from his Bulawayo workshop.

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